
performance parameter
Schematic diagram

The advantages of the semi-volume heat exchanger of our floating coil tube:

1, Built-in multiple sets of floating coil, unique "pagoda" type structure, the dynamic heat transfer in high thermal efficiency, heat transfer were the same volume of this product is equivalent to the traditional volumetric heat exchanger in 6 ~ 9 times. 
2, In which half of displacement "pagoda" type structure, water storage of reservoir for 15 to 30 minutes of hot water, heated the head loss of 0.25 meters or less, so it is under the condition of setting general automatic temperature control valve, remained stable water supply pressure, water temperature, security, water saving, water and comfortable characteristics.
3. Floating coil tube type heat exchanger can improve the capacity utilization. Floating coil heat exchangers can be close to 100mm from the bottom of the container. The cold water area is very small, and the effective storage volume can reach 99%, greatly increasing the volume utilization rate of heat exchanger.
4, This product in water or water when using hot water pipe network on circulating pump work, maintain the tank water temperature, the heat transfer part of the total heat transfer in an heated water flow state, the heat transfer, energy saving full. Maintain constant temperature water supply whether used frequently or not.
5. This product, spiral heat exchange tube bundle material with stainless steel, copper tube as the main recommendation material, thus thoroughly solved the problem of the internal rust of the shell, and has a strong heat exchange effect.

6. The floating coil heat exchanger adopts the water riser and the set of water riser.
7. Small tank and light weight, the modular assembly of multiple sets, not taking up space and not needing to be guarded; 
8. Floating coil heat exchanger has automatic scaling function. The expansion of coil tube is mainly the change of heat medium temperature in pipe. The mechanism of descaling is that when the heat medium is entered into the tube, it will cause the pipe wall to expand and the scale of the dirt attached to the outer wall of the tube will also expand. When the heat exchanger stops the heat exchange, the heat medium is stopped in the tube, the wall of the tube is contracted due to the cooling, and the scaling layer also contracts. However, the heat expansion coefficient of the pipe wall is different from that of the scale.



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